Thursday 18 February 2010

Are dog owners more moral than cat owners?

Times Higher Education writer Felipe Fernández-Armesto disputes the findings of the so-called research that cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners. Dog owners, he opines, are more moral than cat owners - because dogs are more moral than cats. Their morality is deduced from the fact that they are loyal to their families and don't bring in dead mice or birds. And their ownership brings one into contact with other people, cos you are always talking to other dog owners. The reluctantly single might like to know that 'Many Manhattan romances start at dog-walking hour in Central Park'. Also, you can have fun with chains and leads without being perverse. Dog owners are supposed to like people; actually, I don't, but I suppose that's the cat owner in me.

Anyway, the piece is worth a read, and you can see it at

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